One thing that seems to always happen as we are living our lives is that whatever we do, or whatever things we may try to do, we will always return to our foundational Traits. We can try to fake our way through circumstances and try to be like someone else, but if it's not a part of our nature then we won't be able to hold onto it for very long. We will eventually fall back to the abilities we started with, to our Sign Traits.

It is our 3 Guides that give us our abilities and we will develop our personality partly because of the Behaviors we have. For example, if we have Intellect Signs in all 3 of our Minds then we will be full of thoughts and will not be very Expressive or Sensitive in our encounters (Capricorn and Pisces will however show some emotion). Everything we do will be based on Intellect and that will limit our social abilities and our sensitivity to others. If we have Sensitive Signs in two of our Minds then we will be prone to be more reactive to others and that in itself will greatly affect how we develop. The Sensitive Signs are reactive and if we have become wounded from circumstances in life then the needs of our Sensitive Signs will take precedence over the other parts of us. If we have just one Sensitive Sign in us then what we have for our other Signs will determine how responsive that Sensitive Mind will be: a cautious Earth or reactive Water Sign will make us more aware of how we are being treated and that may affect how we develop psychologically.

How our 3 Minds develop:

Because of the way we develop through life I can see we go through distinct stages (Minds) and what makes them easy to observe from each other is the different Energies and Behaviors they present as they are developing in us. People go through measurable changes and when we know their Signs we can understand the changes that will happen in them, from one Mind to the next.


From birth to about 14.5 years old we develop most of our perceptions based on the people in our lives and our responses will depend on the Sign we have in our Child Mind. During this time all 3 Minds are actively learning and growing but it is the Child Mind that is mostly in control of our situations and it will be as Sensitive as the Sign it is developed from.

During childhood the Child Mind is front and center of what we feel and perceive so it is very important that it be raised in a healthy and secure environment. We now know more than ever that children can develop into better adults when they don't have to experience a lot of strife during childhood. We also know that everything that happens to us will define the type of person, Positive or Negative, that we become.

At around 14½ (it gradually starts before this) our bodies go through the hormone changes called Puberty. Up to this point our Childhood was consumed with responding to our senses, feeling our way through life, but now we gain the social abilities of our Adolescent Mind. With Puberty we will now start to be more outwardly expressive in our day to day lives. Our Child Mind is still maturing (its only 14+ years) and now it has a helper to give it a new perspective on life. We should at this time begin to have an awareness of both Minds.

With the addition of our Adolescent Mind, we will now have a consciousness, an awareness of how we fit in with the people around us. We will become more aware of the type of child we have developed and because of possible insecurities from the Child Mind our social interactions may be limited. With guidance from the social skills of our Adolescent Mind, the Child Mind will begin to experience a much bigger world than what was ever imagined before.

At times the Child Mind will be unsure of its environment, insecure in some of the situations the Adolescent Mind has taken it. But as both Minds gain experience, the Child Mind should begin to adjust unless it has been wounded terribly in the past. For the most part the free to express itself Adolescent Mind will be able to expose our Child Mind to situations that will help it to grow more secure with other people.


With our Adolescent Mind we will start showing a new side to our Being, a side that is able to be more outgoing with others, more able to deal with the social world it finds itself in. Our family should notice a big change in us. We now are more talkative (not necessarily the males) and we are more sure of ourselves - at least that's the attitude our new Ego tries to express to others. We are also perceived as more rebellious now because we are more vocal with our wants and we often declare that WE are not a child anymore.

The Adolescent Mind is now our main Mind and it will mess up at times in how it relates to others because at this point it is rather immature. Our personality will go back and forth between two Minds, sometimes acting like a child in front of our new Adolescent peers and sometimes very confident in the way we interact with them. The problem with this age is that we are not that grown up so we will have many struggles in our relationships.

From approx. 14½ until age 29, this Mind will build upon its experiences and form many new perceptions of how it relates to others. At around 22 years of age our Child Mind will reach its peak (as does our physical body) and it will now start its decline while the Adolescent Mind increases in its maturity.

With Adolescence we are given the tools we need: the hormones arrive for the body to mature and our appearance will change drastically. Also, our focus in life changes from how the world affects us to what can I do to be a part of the world. We now crave social interactions and we don't like to be stuck at home with our fuddy-duddy family.

The Adolescent has a need to be more outgoing, to explore what's new outside its home. It thinks it's confident enough to tackle anything the world can bring its way. Eventually the Adolescent will leave home with the Child Mind in tow, to venture out from the security of its nest. How well they manage life on their own will depend on the maturity of their Child Mind, how well it has developed.


When we reach about 29 years of age we will go through another change, adding the Adult Mind into our consciousness. We now have the 3 minds working together. The Adult Mind has the ability to understand what we have experienced and because it is geared toward the Future it will try to help us improve by thinking of ideas to change us. The Adult Mind has been trying to keep us on a good path all our life but since it wasn't the one in charge it wasn't able to be very effective. Now that the Adult Mind has its day-in-the-sun, it can start the process of correcting any problems we may be having, to look at our life Objectively and find ways to help bring about change.

The Process we go through:

What I believe happens to us when we are born is that we are given 3 Guides, each equipped with their own brand of tools that will give us a foundation of abilities. The Energy and Behavior Traits of our Signs is the basis of the foundation that we each will start with and from our first breath what we experience in life is responded to through the Lens or abilities of the Guides we have been given.

The Guides are there to get us started, templates that we will use to base our early responses and the Thoughts and Feelings we had to our experiences will be imprinted in us, in the Mind it pertains to, and our new responses will be based on what we have learned from our previous encounters and we will keep learning and responding to situations based on the Traits we have been given.

There will also come a time when we will loose conscious awareness of our 3 Guides. Each Guide will only last approx. 42 years, and each will reach the height of their abilities (and we will be most conscious of them) after we've had them for approx. 22 years:

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